9 Mayıs 2010 Pazar


Prejudice is most commonly used to refer to a preconceived judgment toward a people or a person because of race, social class, gender, age, disability, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.İt is a very bad attitude toward the people. This is because, we are living in a world all together and we have same rights in lives. If we want to live with harmony to other people, we should approach without prejudice.

People are away from each other by prejudice. Thus, unity and being good person feelings strat to vanish. Therefore, İn my opinion all people are the same. This is very sensitive issue. People should be careful about it and they should approach each other without prejudice.

1 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi


Last week we had an presentation in our computer lesson. I and Zeynep made a presentation about the divorce. Zeynep talked about the causes of divorce and I talked about the negative effects of divorce.We are very exciting:):)Zeynep said me we will do don't panic:)However, I think that it was a good presentation. Yes, we had a some small mistakes but we worked on this subject very much and we wanted do a good work.I hope everybody has been liked it and learnt something about the divorce:):):)
Divorce is the most traumatic and life changing events for children.They are effected negatively by divorce. In article there are a lot of interesting informations about divorce and I learned lots of things from article. For instance divorce has a more negative effects on boys than the gils.This is becuse, Parents tend to argue and fight in front of the boys than girls. Thus, they start to feel the causes of divore. Also there are some situations which is made by cildrens in the process of divorce like; the fear of change and feeling of abondenment...Parent should be careful and think about two times when they will take a decision divorce for their marriage and especially their children.

23 Nisan 2010 Cuma


GIRLS SHOULD GET EDUCATION.............................:(:(:(

The education has a big importance for all people' life and their individual development. It is known that, also a country can be developed itself by the education. Therfore all people should take notice the importance of divorce.Thus, children should be sent to school,courses and whereever they can get education by the families.

However, some families do not want to sent their girls to school.They think that their boys can go to school. This is because, they claim that the boys will provide income to home. They also contend that the girls only can be a good housewife.

I am from Ağrı and when we examine the Ağrı and also the other East Anatolia regions we can encounter a lot of people which has this thought. I think it is very unfair situations for girls. They can provide a good future for their future life. Also, boys and girls should have equal rights. I f people think so that, Turkey can not develop because of these thinking. People combine and they sould do something for these sinless girls............:(:(:(:(

18 Nisan 2010 Pazar


This week, I want to talk about the music and its effects on people.

Music is akind of treatment method which affect people' soul positively. People feel full of energy with the help of loud an fast music.
However, it is used soft voice and slow music for relieving people. In addition people feel sence of togetherness at the same time by listening music. Music affects people' brain.
People may listen to music for feeling good.İ
t is a kind of therapeutic method for ill people.
Also, people may forget their problems alittle bit by listening to music.

As an example, when I listening to Mustafa Ceceli and Sezen Aksu, I feel relax and good.I can not give up listening to music. I only can be energitic and fine with the hlp of music. İt has a significant importance in my life. ...:):)

11 Nisan 2010 Pazar


Technology is very important for people. This is because, people have a easier life by Technology. However, Nowadays, People has been addictad to technology. It is ver opset event. This is because, people feel alone and the social life begans to dissapear by the technology:(. For instance, When I examined our family. My mother and father watches Tv , my sister and brother are always in front of the internet. They started to victim of technology.

Dialogue within the family begins to dissapear. İnternet and Tv is affecting the faca to face communication . Also, tecnonolgy laeds to family problems and children start to ill because of the Tv and internet. When people use internet for long hours, they feel pain in their eyes, muscles and brain. I think, people should away from the technology in their life.Also,they should control themeselves.

4 Nisan 2010 Pazar


This week I Want to talk about the poems.Firstly I can say that I like reading poems.Also,I am writing poems. This is because, in my opinion, people can say their secret emotions by the poems and they can tell about everything which is lived in their lives by poems. İn addition, Poems is a kind of a way to express feelings and it is a method of resting. In addition, people who are tired and upset may listen poems for being fine and forget their problems a little bit.Some people can not express themeselves towards other people.Therefore, poems can be a solution for that.

Now, I want to share a poem which is written by Yılmaz Erdoğan.

I like this poem:):)


Her şey yapılabilir bir beyaz kağıtla

Uçak örneğin uçurtma mesela

Altına konulabilir bir ayağı ötekinden kısa olduğu için

Sallanan bir masanın veya şiir yazılabilir süresi

Ötekilerden kısa bir ömür üzerine....

Bir beyaz kağıda her şey yazılabilir senin dışında

Güzelliğine benzetme bulmak zor sen iyisi mi sana benzemeye çalışan

Her şeyden bir gülden bir ilk bir sonbahardan sor

Belki tabiattadır çaresi

Senin bir çiçeğe bu kadar benzemenin

Ve benimbilinci nasırlı bir bahçıvan çaresizliğim

Anlarım bitkiden filan ama anlatamam toprağın güneşle konuşmasını

Sana çok benzeyen bir çiçek yoluyla

Sen bana ışık ver yeter bende filiz çok

Köklerim içimde gizlidir gelen giden açan soran bere budak

Yok bir şiir istersin “içinde benzetmeler olan”

Kusura bakma sevgilim heybemde sana benzeyecek kadar güzel bir şey yok

Uzun bir yoldan gelen tedariksiz katıksız bir yolcuyum

Yaralı yarasız sevdalardan geçtim

Koynumda bir beyaz kağıt boşluğu

Her şeyi anlattım olan olmayan acıtan sancıtan

Bilsem ki sana varmak içindi bütün mola sancıları bütün stabilize arkadaşlıklar

Daha hızlı koşardım severadım gelirdim gözlerinin mercan maviliğine

Sana bakmak suya bakmaktır sana bakmak bir mucizeyi anlamaktır

Sağa sola bakmadan yürüdüğüm yollar tanıktır aşk sorgusunda şahanem

Yalnız kelepçeler sanıktır

Ne yazsam olmuyor çünkü bilenler hatırlar

Hem yapılmış hem yapma çiçek satanlar...

Bahçıvanlar değil tüccarlardır sen öyle göz sen öyle toprak ve güneş ortaklığı

Sen teninde cennet kayganlığı iken sana şiir yazmak ahmaklıktır

Bir tek söz kalır dişlerimin arasından

Ben sana gülüm derim gülün ömrü uzamaya başlar

Verdiğim bütün sözler sende kalsın isterim

Ben sana gülüm derim gül sana benzediği için ölümsüz

Yazdığım bütün şiirler sana başlayan bir kitap için önsöz

Sana bakmak bir beyaz kağıda bakmaktır her şey olmaya hazır

Sana bakmak suya bakmaktır gördüğün suretten utanmak

Sana bakmak bütün rastlantıları reddedip bir mucizeyi anlamaktır

Sana bakmak Allah’a inanmaktır...


28 Mart 2010 Pazar


Recently,when ı watch Tv, I herard that Tarkan is using drugs.I was shocked.This is because, I like Tarkan's personality and his songs.I never expected such a bad behaviour. İt is very harmful for his health so, I was very upset:(

4 yılda bu hale geldi..........

İn our Lessons, we learned that drurgs effects people nervous system and brain badly.People who are drug addicted away from their families and they supposed that when they use them they will forget eveything.However drugs lead to some diseases in our brain.

When I read some informations about internet I was suprised very much.One gram of heroin
which enters to body ,kills a million cells in the brain.Also,hashish is a kind of mind poison and it effects our brain.İn my opinion,people should control themeselves when they have bad habitats.Thus,they can have lots of illness and health problems during their lives by drugs.

21 Mart 2010 Pazar


This cinema affected me very much.First of all,I want to talk about the content of the cinema.

David rents a house in San Fransisco and he does not like housemate.However,suddenly, a woman who is called Elizabeth insisted that the house is blonged to her.David thinks that there is a mistake. Elizabeth disturbs David.What's more,David changes the locks of the doors.However it is not a solution.

David convinced that Elizabeth is a ghost.Day by day, Elizabeth noticed that she can pass through the walls. David and Elizabeth thinks about that event and they start to produce some solutions together for solving this problem.

İn fact,Elizabeth had an accident and she is in instansive care.David does everything to live Elizabeth.She connected to a maching for living.In this order, they fall in love and they have a lot of hopes which are related to future life.Finally,David is achieved to live Elizabeth.However, Elizabeth does not remember David when she becomes good.One day,Elizabeth has a dream and she feels David's love and start to remember David.They start to live a good life.

I like this cinema and David's effort.This is because,in my opinion,people should some good things in their life unreturned.Also, people shold think positive and helpfully.David do that so,too.Therefore,I watched this cinema happily and I understand that people can solve all problems which are encountered in thehir lives by thinking positive.

14 Mart 2010 Pazar


Smoking and its effects it is very harmfull for people.

I read some informations on the internet about the smoking.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Bilgin says that when people are smoking on to move, there are a lot of more side effects on peıople.I was very suprised.

Fistly, the breathing begins to be
disturbed.What's more, there are a lot of bad effects on people.This is because, Smoking lead to olts of diseases like being cancer, pneumonia,gastrits and embolisms in brain.People supposed that smoking is a kind of way to escape from their problems.They believe that when they smoke, they feel relax and fine.İt is wrong.This is because,people can nt solve their problems by smoking.Only,people may have more problems and some diseases by smoking.

7 Mart 2010 Pazar


  • In our Afe lesson,the negative effects of Tv on children is discussed by us.Nowadays, Tv is a very important equipment in our life because ot its benefits.This is because, People are learning lots of informations about world and general things.However there are a lot of negative effects on children which are 3-4 years old.They can perceive some dangerous things which adults can not.Also they learn violence situation.The most important thing is that their eyes is effected by Tv negatively.

  • Sometimes I want to break our Tv. I am very upset about the negative effects of Tv. I feel pain in my heart. This is because, I have got a cousin which is 3-4 years old. His name is Eyüp.My aunt put him in front of tv for doing her houseworks.Thus, he can not speak now. He is only smiling at tv. When I talk him he does not listen to me. He escapes from people everytimes.I think all parents should be careful the negative effects of Tv. Also they should not put their children in front of tv.